Question: what is your favorite teacher at school?

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  1. I had a string of really excellent maths and physics teachers, all through high school. They were all very good at explaining the course material. I really liked both maths and physics, although I wasn’t as good at maths. At University you learn that maths and physics get very much mixed up together. Often at uni we would get taught maths as part of physics courses before we got taught the same maths in maths courses. That was good, we got to see the same maths twice, from two different perspectives, which helps you develop a proper understanding of what is going on. I always encourage my students to try and look at problems from different perspectives.


  2. I had three really great teachers at school who inspired me to follow science. Their names were Mr Jefferies, Mr Perkins and Mr Blansjaar. The first two were maths and physics teachers and the last was my biology teacher. If it weren’t for them I definitely wouldn’t have gone to uni to study science.


  3. Hey ghosthunter100
    My biology, chemistry and PD/H/PE teachers were really great. Enthusiastic, and really knew their stuff. Really engaged with the students which helps enormously.


  4. Hi ghosthunter100,
    I had some pretty good teachers throughout school but my favourite teacher of all time is my Year 1 teacher, Ms Hood. I think Year 1 is where I kind of got interested in exploring the things around me more and she was very enthusiastic and really really good at explaining things (which is particularly important when you’re working with little kids, I think!). One thing I remember is when she taught us about the different types of clouds one time when we were outside. I think that was one of my first science experiences! We also did cool things in class like looking at different types of textures and understanding the differences between them (like tree bark and cement), and learning all about earthworms. This was all very exciting when I was 5 years old, and I think Ms Hood is definitely one of the reasons I got hooked on science when I was little. Having good, enthusiastic teachers is definitely a factor in whether students enjoy certain subjects, or even studying/learning in general (no matter what age or level they are at) – so thanks to Ms Hood for being such a good teacher! I hope that I can do a good job like her if I do decide to go in to a teaching career myself.



  1. I had a couple of really good teachers. A chemistry teacher, math teacher, and english teacher.
    I still remember our chemistry teaching saying at the end of the year to forget everything that we had learned because it was all going to change when we got to university.


  2. My favrouite teacher is Mrs watts
