Question: Is pancreatic cancer the only cancer you have researched? Is it very rare that somebody survives from pancreatic cancer?

  1. I guess you directed this to Chris, take it away CHRIS !


  2. I’ll leave this one for Chris too.


  3. Chris, where are you? We are all eagerly awaiting your answer! 🙂


  4. @kayladiamond. Sorry for the late reply (hey other scientists, pipe down!! I was busy!! 😉 ). I have mainly researched pancreatic cancer, however I do work in collaboration with a very good scientist who studies neuroblastoma, a terrible brain tumour in kids. They both have similar mechanisms driving the development of the tumour. I also have an interest in stomach cancer and will be looking to expand on this in the future. In regards to your other question, unfortunately yes, it is quite rare that someone survives from pancreatic cancer. The 5-year survival rate is less than 5%, meaning that there is less than a 5% chance that someone who is diagnosed with this disease will make it to 5 years. There are some exceptions, though. if they are lucky enough to be diagnosed early, have it cut out and continue with chemotherapy to “mop up” any left over cells. This is why we do what we do. We really need to improve things for these patients.

