Question: Why do frogs feel slimy when you touch them?

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  1. Hi Whatawow,

    Well some frogs don’t feel slimy. But the reason why some of them do is to do with their skin. Frogs need to keep moist skin as they breathe through their skin. The moisture helps the gases in the air transfer through the skin. So they will secrete a waxy substance which feels wet and slimy, that’s why it is not a good idea to be handling frogs, as we can pass diseases to them very easy.



  1. Dustin, are there diseases that frogs get that humans can be affected by as well? Is it possible for us to get diseases from frogs?


    • The main things that are transfered are going to be things that harm the frog, but yeah it is possible for frogs to carry salmonella that they can transfer to us.


  2. what is the easiest way to sterilize my hands? ( so i can touch them!)


  3. Air drying alcohol is good, or you can wear non latex gloves
