Question: what animal is the most dangerous

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  1. It would have to be mosquito. Mosquito carry the malaria parasite and in the tropics malaria kills millions every year.


  2. Hi Adrian and Sciencemaniac,

    It depends on what you mean by “dangerous”.

    If it is to mean anything, the most dangerous animal is the human species. We are the only species that has the ability to directly wipe out other species including ourselves by choice. Also, humans do things for reasons that no other animal does.

    But if you mean other than humans, then I would agree with James, mosquitos are responsible for transferring some pretty nasty viruses that result in millions of deaths per year.

    So it really comes down to how you define “dangerous”.


  3. Hi Adrian, Sciencemaniac, and James,
    Interesting question! I agree with James and Dustin – it really does depend how you define ‘dangerous’.

    I would also put humans and mosquitoes at the top of the list. Another animal that can actually spread a lot of diseases is the flea, which can transfer disease causing agents to humans and other animals, as well as some protozoans and even to parasitic worms! So fleas are pretty dangerous in that sense. You could also consider things like the Irukandji jellyfish to be the most deadly, as it is extremely poisonous and can kill with one sting.



  1. ok
