Question: Is it possible to generate oxygen in space?

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  1. Sure. In fact nature does it for us. Stars release energy by converting gravitational potential energy into light by using the gravitational potential energy to smash atoms together. The star starts as hydrogen and the hydrogen atoms get fused together into heavier atoms, including oxygen. In truth things are slightly more complex than this, but this is the basic idea. In this process energy is released according to Einstein’s famous formula, E = mc^2. So, that is where all the oxygen you and every human has ever breathed comes from – the inside of stars (plus all of the other atoms that make up your body and everything around you). Oxygen is floating around all over the place in space. It gets released into space when stars explode. That’s how it got into our solar system and onto the Earth. It exists in very low densities, however, and you would have to do a lot of work to collect enough to breath. It has been conveniently collected for us on Earth (thanks again to gravity).


  2. Nice answer, Steven.


  3. Great answer Steven


  4. Do you mean the way Steven has answered or do you mean inside a spaceship for the astronauts? If you mean the second I think it’s possible but easier to just bring the oxygen with you.

