Question: Do you think their is such a thing as lockness monster

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  1. Hi Tom,
    No, there is no evidence for a monster within Loch ness, and the things claimed as evidence have often been found to be hoaxes, misidentification, or illusions.

    The other problem for the Loch Ness Monster is the claimed creature. It is supposed to be a plesiosaur. This is a large animal that would require a lot of food, and more importantly all evidence suggests it went extinct millions of years ago. Just like bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster cannot just be one animal, there would have to be a population of them surviving, so there would have had to be thousands of them living there just in the last few thousand years of recorded history.

    So no, don’t think so somehow. But it would be cool, I would love to sea dinosaurs.


  2. Hi Tom,
    Similarly as Dustin I would love for it to be real but there is just no evidence to support it and further more, there is evidence to suggest it doesn’t exist. I want it, and big foot and all the others to be true too but I think we will never actually find them.


  3. Probably not. There is too much fake evidence and no credible evidence to support its existence. However, I would like to think that such undiscovered animals might still exist somewhere. Odd things are still dragged up out of the Oceans.


  4. Hey tom. Probably not but, hey, it is Scotland so anything could happen…..


  5. Hi Tom,
    I agree with the others – there is evidence to suggest that there isn’t such a creature in Loch Ness, but you never know if such creatures might exist somewhere! There are several creatures living very deep in the ocean that haven’t been discovered yet, so someone might find something one day! That would be pretty cool!

