Question: is anything from the videogame Portal possible? like creating the Portal-Gun?

  1. Hi Shadycactus

    Portal what a great game. I really enjoyed both, but think the second one was slightly better. I found them just a little short.

    Anyway to your question. The portal gun is based on the idea of a portable wormhole generator. Wormholes have never been seen, however, they do appear to be theoretically possible.

    It would be great to have one though, make it much easier to get to work and home. Actually it would make it easy to go to the fridge.


  2. I’ve watched my son play this game on PS3. Portal makes my head spin as it is and I’m sitting here trying to think through the physics, which is not helping. I need a cold towel to wrap around my head, so I’ll just go with no.


  3. Portal gun you say? I’ve had one in my building.
    I hosted an event about 3D printing earlier in the year and one of the guys I invited made his own portal gun. It doesn’t shoot worm holes but it does look awesome! He took a series of screenshots of the gun and then used various programs to rebuild it using relative measurements. He then loaded in the design as a 3D map and printed the gun using a specialised object printer. It was awesome.


  4. Hi Shadycactus6,
    At the moment, making a working portal-gun doesn’t seem to be possible, but it could be in future, if we ever figure out how to generate wormholes. That would be pretty cool!
    @James, nice gun in the photo! 🙂



  1. @Dustin
    Definatly agree with the portal series being short! 🙂


  2. @Steven i get a massive headache if i create an infinate loop (placing two portals in an arangment the will continue to move you in the direction, or simply one on a wall and the other on the floor so when you go though one, you enter the other).
